Politics and Defense
It appears Hillary Clinton is gaining credibility as a presidential candidate. She's been making an effort to shore up her weak spots. McCain was on Leno last night and said she would make a good Secretary of Defense. That's a pretty solid boost, considering a woman president, especially a Democrat, would have to fight image problems in that area. It's what she's been focusing on lately. McCain is probably encouraging a Hillary candicacy because that would improve his own chances. I know if I was choosing between him and Hillary, I would easily choose McCain. McCain and Gore are the only contenders so far that I actually like and would Want to vote for. I know I won't vote for Kerry again.
As I've said before, Bush ignores the nation that poses the greatest threat to the world - North Korea - because it possesses neither oil nor Islam. Hillary pointed out quite clearly the result of that policy:
As I've said before, Bush ignores the nation that poses the greatest threat to the world - North Korea - because it possesses neither oil nor Islam. Hillary pointed out quite clearly the result of that policy:
At an April Armed Services Committee hearing, Clinton won headlines after her persistent questioning led Vice Adm. Lowell Jacoby, chief of the Defense Intelligence Agency, to admit that North Korea may now be able to arm missiles with nuclear warheads.
"The North Koreans have the ability to arm a missile with a nuclear device that can reach the United States," she said. "Put simply, they couldn't do that when George Bush became president, and now they can."
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